Blog Archives


Let me introduce you to some Pictures you gonna see on my Post and what they mean!

<- This is a Picture of my GM called GM Zimtkeks.

Whenever you see this Picture in an Post, it means the Post includes or is about something related to Scripting such as projects I am working on or even releases of finished Scripts I am going to post here. Check for [Release] Script: X and this Picture if you look for something special.

 <- This is a Picture of my GM called GM Lady Antbellum

Whenever you see this Picture in an Post, it means the Post includes or is about something related to Mapping such as projects I am working on or even releases of finished Maps. Check for [Release] Map: X and this Pictures if you look for something!


If both Pictures are in the same Post, it means that the Post is about both Mapping and Scripting 😀

I hope this helps you to navigate trough my site and excuse me for some mistakes, I am still in the progress to get in touch with WordPress. I am new so bare with me 😀

Let me introduc…


Hello everyone, this is GM Zimtkeks and this is going to be my very first Post!

So well, it’s time to announce my first few project:

Zeil | A Item Mall Map including all the Shopscripts you could ever Imagine! And there is also an GM NPC including which you can use to turn shops on and off as you wish 🙂 ETA: Late June 2012

~Avengard~  | A complete Story Update with Citymaps, Dungeonmaps, Fieldmaps and all the necessary Scripts. ETA: Summer/ Fall 2012


I promise to Post Screenshots of my Work as soon as I got something to show ^_^

Hello everyone,…